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Bore Water Level Pressure transducer PS98i

Bore Water Level Pressure transducer PS98i

  • Price: $1,400.00
  • Product Code: SEAM-PS98
  • Comms: 4-20mA
Seametrics PS98i pressure sensor is ideal for monitoring groundwater levels including in pumped bores. It uses 4-20mA communications which is known for its ability to handle electrical noise from cables to submersible pumps so will continue working during pumping where other sensors will generate nonsense and trigger alarms. Monitoring bore drawdown is good, not only for protecting against pump burnout or innefficient operation, but also for securing negotiating advantage when dealing with regulators about impact of pumping on the aquifer from which you pump. A pressure and temperature sensor with integrated datalogging, this sensor is constructed with 316 stainless steel, fluoropolymer, PTFE—providing highly accurate readings in rugged and corrosive field conditions. Ideally this is used with unvented cable and a pressure sensor, for atmospheric pressure correction, added to the logger. Alternatively, vented cable can be provided but will have maintenance issues. Unvented bore monitoring also is used in groundwater modelling of confined aquifers using weather pattern fluctuations. Cable is quoted separately.

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