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'ResImage' is a package for towed and time-lapse geo-electric and electromagnetic survey processing and presentation. It encompasses almost all of our processing software. Written by Dr David Allen, ResImage is designed to work in conjunction with Aarhus Workbench.

'TEM Configurator' is a free cut down version of ResImage. It allows for forward modelling, type curve generation, and system configuration definition.

'AgTEM' is the operational software for AgTEM electronics and is written by our electronics provider.

'GeoTest', from a 3rd party - written by Dr Armin Rauen, is operational software for the Lippmann Earth Resistivity Meter used in HERBI, Wombat and our buried-cable time-lapse ERT.

Dashboards for telemetered sensors are written by us and hosted in a cloud based platform called 'Sensori'.

Sludge profiling and Seepage estimation from water storage water balance and telemetered sensors is achieved using non-released software written by Dr David Allen.

Other capabilities include differential GNSS postprocessing to provide centimetre precision GNSS positions, data aquisition and graphical presentation programming in Delphi and other languages. 

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