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Augering and Drilling

Groundwater Imaging are equipped with auger-drilling, direct push soil coring and sludge sampling tools.

We operate a rig with 4m stroke, augers, extension rods, direct push hammer, swivel and jetting capability. Augering is commonly conducted to ad deep as 12m with this rig.

Other tools are hand operated, with or without powered assistance, and include augers sized for insertion of Aquacheck and GB-Lite soil moisture sensors.

The rig opens up the possibility of conducting infiltration experiments for recharge and seepage estimation, telemetered piezometer installation and unsaturated zone down-hole time-lapse geophysics.

The rig can be coupled with geophysical survey for single mobilization reservoir site assessments.

Direct push soil sampling can be combined with Wombat and/or EM38/31 survey for paddock wide extrapolation of soil coring.

Auger Rig - 4m stroke used with extensions to reach 12m, plus hammer for direct push coring.


Our hand held petrol auger has adaptors for use with all our hand augers for moisture sensor installation


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