ResImage is processing software for both towed Transient Electromagnetic and towed Direct Current Electrical Resistivity tomography datasets. It also handles full waveform sonar datasets and the integration of all these datasets together. For towed TEM datasets, it works as a data preparer for Aarhus Workbench which performs 1-D layered earth modelling and spatially constrained inversion. For towed geo-electric streamer datasets and Wombat soil resistivity profile datasets it uses internal 1D modelling and inversion code derived from David Allen's PhD Thesis.

ResImage Version 0.00.00 was released on the 6th november 2024, including code written Dr David Allen since he began his PhD thesis in 2002.
ResImage is available with a Demo Licence with a limit of 300 soundings in some functions and some other limitations including lack of permission for commercial use. If the product is registered to obtain a Commercial version then files generated will display the Registrant by default, restrictions will be removed, and the number of soundings supported will be effectively unlimited.
Relevant ResImage licences are supplied to purchasers of our towed acquisition equipment and to anyone who successfully negotiates with us.
ResImage is written principally in Delphi.
Access ResImage installer here: ResImageSetupV0_00.exe
We have no funding for this project and rely entirely on donations and our own savings to write this software. We understand that your first investment will need to be in your own time and effort evaluating and learning this product so we try not to charge you until you have had a go using the product. You can do a lot with the Demo Version and if this extends to succesful commercial use or for some other reason you wish to donate rather than negotiating with us to pay for registration then please use the PayPal link provided for donating for TEM Configurator below. If you purchase Wallaby, Wallaroo, AgTEM-electronics, Wombat or a HERBI-USV we intend to provide you with a licenced registered copy of ResImage and email support.
ResImage will store documentation, the licence file and sample files in C:\GWI\ResImage\*.* but the program file will be stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\GWI\ResImage\TEMConfigurator\*.* . Note that ResImage shares files with TEMConfigurator so uninstalling one will affect the other.