- Price: Price on application
Permeameter measurements are best conducted in-situ in drilled holes using standard techniques with or without automated logging. We can assist with this and/or refer to EnviroSeer who conduct these tests frequently.
For 2” core sample tests we have a set of 16 gravity feed permeameters that work only for higher permeability samples – in other cases the pressure applied is not sufficient to get a reading. The samples remain in their sampling tubes during the tests – top and bottom caps are removed and a sponge filter added to the bottom with a drain. Water is fed into the top with a pressurized lid from a greatly elevated reservoir. A water volume gauge detects volume passed over time. This is manually read.
With a constant head water supply and permeameter ring we can do surface infiltration tests suitable for Managed Aquifer Recharge planning in non-expansive soils. A Ring infiltrometer is applied to a prepared surface and after some time the ground is trenched around this to reveal the wetting front. Passed water is measured and calculation provide an infiltration value.