Trimble GFX350 display and NAV500 antenna
Trimble GFX350 display and NAV500 antenna
- Price: Price on application
We like to operate external tractor guidance software and feed the data into TerraTEM or AgTEM electronics as a secondary data feed. One solution is the Trimble GFX350 Android based display and NAV500 antenna/GNSS engine running with Viewpoint 30cm pass-to-pass accuracy (A$500/year) differential correction. By using external GNSS, we get to add differential corrections and get a topography dataset useful for cross-comparison with towed TEM data. Additionally, we get all the refinements of tractor navigation software for accurate easy parallel line surveying and even autonomous steering if ever required.
Trimble however offer up an information firewall such that it is next to impossible to work with their equipment for tasks they did not anticipate such as this. There are now alternatives from Field Bee and others and we are now using GNSS receivers internal to our computer but with external antennae. Trimble is just one option for new systems and potentially not the best. The biggest advantage is perhaps familiarity – many farmers know this system.
See the pdf page on how we configure this system for use with AgTEM electronics >>>LINK<<<<