Electric tractor walk-in-front driver cradle and front loop support structure.
Electric tractor walk-in-front driver cradle and front loop support structure.
- Price: Price on application
The walk-in-front driver cradle may resemble a person towing a cart instead of a horse however in this case the cart pushes the person rather than the person, or horse, pulling the cart. This makes it possible for a person to walk the system 20km per day without becoming unduly fatigued.
The walk-in-front driver cradle and front loop support has been designed to achieve multiple benefits in one device. Because the tractor has only two wheels, torque has to be opposed to keep it upright and this is best done from significant distance from the tractor rather than from the handlebars. Secondary, the receiver loop must be well away from both the transmitter loop and the metal tractor so that inductive coupling and EMI is manageable. The cradle allows for suspending a receiver loop in front of the driver so that it is easily manoeuvred and supported using cantilever weight on the other side of the tractor. Thirdly, the cradle allows the driver to actively damp movement of the receiver loop to minimize movement induced electromagnetic noise pickup.