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Wallaroo large loop electric tractor cantilever package

Wallaroo large loop electric tractor cantilever package

  • Price: Price on application

This is the newest of our designs and involves cantilever arrangement of the full-size transmitter loop behind the tractor opposing the gravitational force of the driver’s console, batteries and receiver loop in front of the tractor. This design pushes possibilities to limits previously thought to be impossible but has many benefits. The first is simplicity – for the first time there is a full capacity system capable of imaging to greatest depth, and that is operable by one person in most terrain. It is easy to pack up and to assemble as it eliminates the need for a towed cart. Pitch and roll of all loops are stabilized both by gimbal fixture and the driver’s control rather than wheels bumping over obstacles.


To pass through narrow gaps, a second person is needed to keep the transmitter loop upright when it is pulled into a vertical plane using rigging – this is because, suspended in gimbal arrangement, it will tip upside down if not held in vertical position when folded.


A second or third receiver loop can be towed behind the transmitter loop on a separate skid steer trailer.


58mm telescopic booms with 50mm tow hitches fix to a bar behind the tractor and, together with rigging passing over a rectangular frame extending up from the same bar, support the large 29 square metre transmitter loop support structure. Height of this structure is then altered by pulling on rigging passing through several pulleys to give mechanical advantage at the drivers cradle in front of the tractor.


A trial in January 2025 lead to the decision that this is not commercially ready – venture capital is needed to improve this design first. All the anticipated design features work as expected but some small changes are needed for refinement suitable for commercialization. The next requirement is to conduct a survey with this configuration under sufferance of existing design limitations just to understand how to improve it better. Existing design limitations are: the large support structure ideally would be made slightly lighter using different telescopic booms, the gimbal mount and its damping need refinement, the larger transmitter loop needs to be rigged higher than in the photo to clear scrub, and mechanical advantage rigging needs refinement.

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