Pyranometer SDI-12 300-3200nm
Price: $1,650.00
These are OFCP specific prices valid until May 2024 subject to up to 20% variation. Some installation and training overheads must be included in OFCP prices.
Rebate: $825.00
50% up to $30,000 OFCP
Product Code: PR-01
Comms: SDI-12
The aim of solar radiation sensors is to measure the amount of sunlight being received at a given location. Solar radiation sensors are greatly helpful in estimating evaporation. Global Radiation sensor measures across the full light spectrum, whereas a PAR (photo-synthetically active) sensor measures only the wavelengths taken up by plants. Solar radiation sensors are typically broken down in to two types: cheaper sensors, which use a photo-detector and more expensive units which use a thermopile. The latter are typically referred to as pyranometers and may be first or second class, depending on their level of accuracy. Constructing a proper pyranometer is a complex and expensive process.